I hope you don't mind that I put down these words
Just finished Three Junes by Julia Glass, which I ended up enjoying immensely, well drawn characters and I like it when people are changing still mid course in their lives without it being this huge groundbreaking thing.
People are so obsessed with Janet Jackson's breast, but after having seen the image I have to say: she didn't even show a nipple! What's the big deal?
I have to posit: culturally relevant teaching. Does it, can it exist? I mean, i know, theoretically, it does, but doesn't it preach to a one size fits all idea that this racial group or that racial group must be acknowledged in such and such a way. Or vice versa doesn't it just follow the good advice of all teachers that each child must be seen as an individual? Then there is the argument that certain groups (speaking African American here) should be taught from an ethno-centric point of view, such as afro-centric teaching which would focus on black history in america, and African culture in general. Sometimes I think these are great ideas, where students could gain ownership of their past and feel invested in their future. Other times I think these ideas are bollocks, that students must be founded in a well rounded, if western culture biased, background.
In other thoughts, why don't more people I know use launch cast radio? aren't they interested in controlling every song they hear through a ratings scale which determines what songs will play or not? I can hear Afghan Whigs and Wilco and Alanah Davis in the same half hour people! The reason I find this so fascinating is that I can listen to other people's stations; I would be curious about what YOU were listening to, for example.