
Houston is hard.

I knew that it would be hard, but I can definitely see, despite my experience, never coming back here again!! I'm getting about five hours of sleep a night, waking at 5:30 to get to the school by 7, and almost all of my time so far has been working. At the same time, my wonderful CMA group is the thing that keeps me going. They're all so dedicated and excited, and sooo far ahead of where i was, that I can't wait to see the work they do this year! the only thing that worries me, obviously, and them, is the management. Good classroom management is hard to come by, and harder to implement, so we'll see! until then i'm so homesick for both DC and Atlanta it's making me quite nauseous. The food here may actually be doing that to me though...

Went to see the Hulk last night, it was after a "difficult" conversation that I had, so definitely, I had some other things on my brain. however, the experience was unexpectedly pleasant, with lots of in your face, thinking man's action that Ang Lee is known for. Loved it (the ending was a bit iffy...call me if you wish to discuss).


Houston, I'm back!

I just want to say I'm in Houston now, again, and it feels so eerie to be back when everything feels exactly the same as when I left it! This time I feel much more prepared, however, and am happy to be productive and energized and organized.

The caravan was good, we stopped in New Orleans, the first time I have ever been there. Basically it smelled really bad . It was beautiful (architecturally) and there was a lot of music around. There were also a LOT of tourists.

I will have more to write later I'm sure and now that I have my computer thanks to the lovely angela I'm all set!


I'm on my way out
So starting tomorrow, Thursday, at 10:00 am I will be in the DC area.
From Saturday morning I will be in Cumberland, wretched wretched me.
From Sunday morning I will be in Takoma Park.
From Monday I will be in Atlanta.
From Tuesday I will be in New Orleans with crazy Alice. I shouldn't speak badly about her, she really is a awesome gal...unless she's just a genetically engineered cyborg designed to seem like an awesome gal...bad bad green eyed monsters.
From Wednesday on for the whole whole summer until late July I will be in Houston. My what a crazy life I lead!